Thursday, November 20, 2008

Everybody Love Friday..

Hi there, Gossip Boy here

Your one and only source in to the scandalous lives of Ampang boys elite..

Its friday.. the only day everyone waited every week.. Some people just cant wait for friday to spend his weekend at home after tiring work. Some people just cant wait for friday to run away from torturing boss and overloaded work that only he know how is the pain.. Some people cant wait for the party.. either its birthday party happen in weekend or its just friday night at BBaaah or laQuaah. Some people prefer to spend their time with a family.. bring back the pickles that almost a month filled in the freeze. Some people just love to hang out with friends.. watching TV, cikpat etc..Some people just cant wait to see their lover.. some people just only can hope this friday mirracles can happen! But some thing more suprise waiting..What ever reason.. everybody loves friday.. Just like me.. May friday bring us luck and suprise..

But I prefer something suprising..

You know you love me


Gossip Boy.

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