Saturday, December 27, 2008


Greetings from the elites of Ampang..

Wishing all friends & family a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2009.

Just like 'em all say, it's a celebration of giving & sharing.. But I've completely have nothing to give & nothing to share. Duh~

Christmas have been pretty homey right here despite being far away from home. Thanks to friends who unthinkably celebrating Christmas as well. The unconventional way of course. One which involves going out for Christmas sightings, Christmas dinner, yadda yadda; minus the "going for Christmas mass" part. Huhuhu~~

Been stuffing ourselves with lots of foods since holiday is all about eating, eating & more eating. Alternating from posh & luxury gourmet to the most modest of them all. Well, that's the spirit of holiday that I love the most.

Now, can't wait for FabFerry from returning home from her trip to Langkawi island with merchandises as promised. I heard there are some Vodkas coming our way for the New Year's celebration.

Anyone with plans for the New Year? Well, we sort of have one for ourselves; the elite society of Ampang. That's where you want to be.

Happy Holiday peeps~


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Cursed week..

Hey guys, Gossip Boy here

Your one and only source in to the scandalous lives of Ampang boys elite..

Its a very bad week for all gossip boy elite(Maybe some1 got lucky..) After Lil J phone broke, Ferryna's phone got stolen when she left the phone on wedding's party table. Who believe how careless she is? but gossip boy believe everything..including Karma. Maybe she need to looking back what she have done. i'm hoping Karma wont turn u to something else.. we miss the old Kak Ferr..

talking about our Lil J, she's back 2 shah alam after quit from his partime job.. maybe she's not ready 2 work yet.. or maybe his night lifestyle changed him? who know.. anyway, for incoming new semester, all the best. welcome back 2 school.

Everybody missing Nana van der Woodson. wonder whe she is.. how's she with Bart Fatah? And how is her Mom n her Cat? No body know.. we'll try to dig it..

You know you love me
Blair The Gossip Boy.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Mr. FRO in Da' House...

dah lama x post kat blog, biasalah i bz ngan kerjaya i sbg model, tiap ari ada je kena p fashion show n sesi fotografi.....

actually juz nak kenalkan our new gossip boys member, Mr. FRO..... cian Mr. FRO kerana telah agak lama ditingglkan, but now dia telah kembali utk menemani hidup i ini....

k la, tu je nak post kat cni, lgpun skang xde mood sgt nak tulis...... sowi for everything


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Recaps: Seemed like all our favorite elite woke up in pretty odd places..

Hey guys, Gossip Boy here

Your one and only source in to the scandalous lives of Ampang boys elite..

Gossip Boy’s head is spinning from all that’s happened in the last few days. (And thank you to all of my incredible sources. Couldn’t have done it without you!) From Ferryna van der Woodsen’s grand reentrance to all party, To get down to it, can you believe she’s back? Our beloved Ferryna van der Woodsen has returned after disappearing sometime ago. After almost 1 month being unemployed, She's back in OSK with her new style of wig. Serena van der Woodsen, you bewilder us all.

The next best thing is Arbshuney Waldorf. The young and charming prince from the South Malaysia. No more single pillow anymore. He and his lovely boyfriend, Joey bass now stay togetner in their loaf happily ever after. As a BFF of Feryna Waldorf, he always wish all the best to the wild feryna. "all the best with your new wig, u look like Noorkumala sari in last century."

While all of us on the ampang buzy working, Bone Ruffus still sleeping since working at the different hour. He is one and only boy who always got trouble with his girlfiend. take a good care of her, ruffus. dont let her go babe.

Georgina Kemelia is making friend with Ferryna van der Woodsen’s brother, Sean Eric van der Woodsen. The youngest elite in upper class elite. Eric is kindda newbie with our nasty life of A 's list at ampang. Good guck Sean.. dont miss the train.

Meanwhile, our favorite new girl on the scene, Little J. Reeze Humphrey, was seen at Sg wang’s looking for the perfect shirt for the party. Word has it he called her brother, we’ll call him Eis Humphrey, to help her pick out an outfit. That’s kind of cute yet kind of the dorkiest thing I’ve ever heard. Guess when you’re from Perak you have something called family values? I’m unfamiliar. Supposedly, J. couldn’t afford a dress so she decided to just buy Tshirt one for herself.. Eis and Little j are BFF with waldorf’s boyfiriend. introducing.. The one and only Joey Bass

We almost forgot about our Pete.. the successor exec at Petronas. Hopefully, he got time to spend at this bogs since only he is not posting in this blogs.Georgina Kemelia must be mad at u.. Always remember, you’re nobody until you’re talked about.Last but not least, Nana lily van der Woodson is getting married soon.. let see boys!!

You know you love me
Blair The Gossip Boy.

Free Music

Free Music

Free Music

It was one of those moments

Bad Day : Good DayAftermath of "THE" incident

Today I woke up as early as usual, 6.30am.. Get ready and went out of the apartment.
Oh, the lift is just on the 15th floor, how lucky was I. Well, that's what I thought. As the lift went down.. 15, 14, then.. STUCK!

Damn it!! Futhermore, I'm the only person in the lift! I rang the alarm for quite some time and called up my fellow house mates. The next I know, all my house mates came for the rescue. I opened the door of the lift from the inside only to find that the lift got stuck in between of the 14th and 13th floor! Bone and Mimi peeked from the 13th floor as if I'm some kind of an extinct animal kept in the Zoo. Funny! Yet scary.. I was there in the lift for a good 30 minutes or more. Arb went down to notify the guards and waited for me at the Ground Floor. When I finally reached down, there Arb and Sean were already waiting for me in front of the lift (and I'm late to catch the bus). I'm literally shaking holding my phone and cigarette!!

There we were; me, Fitri and Kem waiting for the bus. It's 7.45am and the bus still not here yet. Then Bone rang up and far too kindly offered to drive me to work! Tenkiu Bone, mwah2!! Kem took the bus and Bone came shortly. There we were; me, Arb, Mimi, Fitri being sent to work by Bone via Akleh Highway. Within 10-15 minutes I was at my office!

Zillions thank yous and gratitudes to all; Arbhuney, Bone, Mimie, Fitri, Kem and Sean for the never ending support (while I'm in the lift that is). Hehe!!

In support of the World AIDS Day (1st Dec)

xoxo Joey C.