Thursday, December 4, 2008

It was one of those moments

Bad Day : Good DayAftermath of "THE" incident

Today I woke up as early as usual, 6.30am.. Get ready and went out of the apartment.
Oh, the lift is just on the 15th floor, how lucky was I. Well, that's what I thought. As the lift went down.. 15, 14, then.. STUCK!

Damn it!! Futhermore, I'm the only person in the lift! I rang the alarm for quite some time and called up my fellow house mates. The next I know, all my house mates came for the rescue. I opened the door of the lift from the inside only to find that the lift got stuck in between of the 14th and 13th floor! Bone and Mimi peeked from the 13th floor as if I'm some kind of an extinct animal kept in the Zoo. Funny! Yet scary.. I was there in the lift for a good 30 minutes or more. Arb went down to notify the guards and waited for me at the Ground Floor. When I finally reached down, there Arb and Sean were already waiting for me in front of the lift (and I'm late to catch the bus). I'm literally shaking holding my phone and cigarette!!

There we were; me, Fitri and Kem waiting for the bus. It's 7.45am and the bus still not here yet. Then Bone rang up and far too kindly offered to drive me to work! Tenkiu Bone, mwah2!! Kem took the bus and Bone came shortly. There we were; me, Arb, Mimi, Fitri being sent to work by Bone via Akleh Highway. Within 10-15 minutes I was at my office!

Zillions thank yous and gratitudes to all; Arbhuney, Bone, Mimie, Fitri, Kem and Sean for the never ending support (while I'm in the lift that is). Hehe!!

In support of the World AIDS Day (1st Dec)

xoxo Joey C.

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