Saturday, December 27, 2008


Greetings from the elites of Ampang..

Wishing all friends & family a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2009.

Just like 'em all say, it's a celebration of giving & sharing.. But I've completely have nothing to give & nothing to share. Duh~

Christmas have been pretty homey right here despite being far away from home. Thanks to friends who unthinkably celebrating Christmas as well. The unconventional way of course. One which involves going out for Christmas sightings, Christmas dinner, yadda yadda; minus the "going for Christmas mass" part. Huhuhu~~

Been stuffing ourselves with lots of foods since holiday is all about eating, eating & more eating. Alternating from posh & luxury gourmet to the most modest of them all. Well, that's the spirit of holiday that I love the most.

Now, can't wait for FabFerry from returning home from her trip to Langkawi island with merchandises as promised. I heard there are some Vodkas coming our way for the New Year's celebration.

Anyone with plans for the New Year? Well, we sort of have one for ourselves; the elite society of Ampang. That's where you want to be.

Happy Holiday peeps~


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